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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

January 20, 2024

First played

January 18, 2024

Platforms Played


Just when you think you discovered everything worth playing on the PS2, there is yet another gem on this console here to brighten your day. Your telling me there a western themed samurai action game where you matrix dodge bullets at insane speeds while slashing cowboys into bloody bits on the PS2 ? Sign me up. Its not perfect of course, there is plenty of jank and I threw away my controller in frustration on more than one occasion because of bullshit enemies. The tommyguners in particular can die in dirty ditsh whenever they decide to gang up on you and there is nothing to do except to sit there and be air juggled to death by gunfire until your health hits 0. The camera is a nightmare and there are like 5 actual locations recycled across its 15 Levels. But again this game is called Samurai Western and it delivers everything I want from something called Samurai Western. It has all the classic trops, the classic music, the action. I even to get customize my badass samurai with silly shit like a giant Ninja star on his back or an Afro. The cherry on top was the Trigun vibes it gave me and the second to last boss only confirmed my suspicion that atleast one person on the dev team had a thing for Yasuhiro Nightows cult classic series, wich made me very happy. Man, why did they cancel Planet Gun Smoke, wouldnt have been so cool.