Yeah I'm tapped out for a while. The last five hours of this game have been filled with bugs, painfully boring quests, and painstaking tedious janky combat sections. I just can't put up with this game anymore. Exploration is terrible and nonexistent, and in my 12 or so hours I have not once actually roamed a planet and discovered anything interesting or worthwhile. Also there are long periods of time where you do no combat at all. The decision to have no ground maneuvering is mind-boggling. Ship combat is good but you are literally barely in it at all for any reason. I've only done one dogfight in space outside of the tutorial and once and it was long and tedious. To state the positives, all the writing is fantastic and the game looks incredible. Also the OST is stellar. And when you don't encounter a bug and are in the action, it for sure is a decent amount of fun. The problem though is that this game has usual western AAA open world game-isms. Markers, barren open worlds, generic gameplay, an illusion of freedom, bugs, the whole nine yards. I can go on and on ranting about the many problems with this game but the slow pacing and tired gameplay loop and systems have put me off from playing this for a long time. Maybe in a few years when there are great mods and the problems are ironed out. I actually enjoyed the first few hours too. Huge disappointment smh I actually really hated my time with this in the last handful of hours.
UPDATE: I continued playing about ten hours more of the game to see if my opinion would change or things would get better, and they absolutely have not. The combat sections just revolve around you constantly dying repeatedly because movement is so slow and enemies much lower level than you are sponges. Like every time you get to the fun part (shooting bad guys), it's the worst experience possible because you can't get through to the objective. Also, enemies just know where you are at all times I guess? I literally killed an enemy and hid invisible behind a desk in a room with a closed door, and the enemy immediately knew exactly where I was. Also, WHY THE HELL ARE HEALING ITEMS SO SCARCE DUDE. The game still has that heavy dose of Bethesda jank and glitchyness. Just in general I wish things were more streamlined and less complicated. Why aren't there more merchants? Why is there no real map telling you points of interests, shops, where elevators are? I haven't even bothered with outposts or have a desire to upgrade my ship or recruit members or upgrade weapons because it all feels uninviting and pointless. All the planets and worlds are just vessels to go to your next objective or certain uninteresting points of interest, instead of you having a desire to go to those locations or explore for yourself. All the cool stuff I discovered were in space. Whether that's being a pirate, ship combat, or finding a party ship, they are cool elements of the game. But stuff like the party ship for example, it was completely and utterly pointless once again. You just go zero gravity and wonder about... and that's all there is to do or see there. The game can be best summed up as tedious. This game is a jack of many trades but a master of none. I really wanted to love this game man. But I’ve given it too much of my time where it feels like I’m on copium at this point. I am having a miserable experience.

Reviewed on Sep 07, 2023
