I need to preface this with the fact that I have not played the DLC, but I don't think they would change my stance on the game tbh. This is a playable anime, for better or worse. While the story scenario, animation, artwork, and music are phenomenal, it leaves you desiring more of a game. There are a ton of cutscenes and QTEs, and the gameplay itself is fun but nothing of real depth. Don't get me wrong, I didn't hate it and enjoyed the ride despite this essential being an interactive movie with some shmup or beat 'em sections. The shmup sections I actually found to be tedious and not really all that fun to play. The gameplay in these sections feel like they are too easy and you're just locking on until something blows up, with little player agency. It lacks weight until the end where the difficulty is cranked in these sections. As previously mentioned, the combat is serviceable but nothing to really write home about. I think more combos and variety would've put this another tier up. I think the game gets maybe a little too bonkers and self-indulgent at points with Asura and his rage, but it kind of adds to the insanity of the story. I'd recommend playing this once as it genuinely is a really fun ride. Just don't go into it expecting a DMC or Platinum game level of action game perfection in regards to the combat system and gameplay. 3 ★

Reviewed on Mar 23, 2023
