A solid, if not lacking, beat-em-up action game. The stealth sections were very unenjoyable as the enemy programming made sections drag on and it became a boring chore to get through. The game lacks enemy variety as well. The same giga monster enemy and common joker goons. The combat is fine, if not a bit basic. Not gonna lie I was also expecting a better story overall. The boss fights were pretty unmemorable but there were a few that were fun to blast through. I was really surprised on how well the game has aged graphically and playing it on Series X I noticed an FPS boost too. The voice acting is stellar. I know it sounds like I'm dogging on this game, but I did find it to be fun and the general gameplay loop was engaging (minus the required stealth sections). I did like how they implemented detective parts too as it's important to Batman's character. Also, I really enjoyed the collectibles via the Riddler trophies and the spider-structure thingys. Overall, I had fun but this is nothing mindblowing or anything. I am planning on playing the other games and have heard that my criticisms are addressed in the following games. 3 ★

Reviewed on Mar 24, 2023


1 year ago

It was mindblowing when it came out (2009!) especially graphic wise. But Arkham City is a lot better for sure and aged better.

1 year ago

Oh yeah 100%. The game still looks great today. I’m excited to play the rest of the series!