This game is insanely difficult for the wrong reasons. It’s constant barrage of enemies mixed with an extremely strict time limit AND having to swap weapons through a weapon wheel ALL AT THE SAME TIME. Is a perfect example of bad game design. It’s probably one of the worst games on the Sega Genesis Classics collection

Reviewed on Sep 15, 2021


2 years ago

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2 years ago

Once you get past the first stage you'll realize it's one of the best games ever made

2 years ago


2 years ago

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2 years ago

This take is so bad that it must be bait

2 years ago

I genuinely hate this game. I’m sure there are games that you hate but I love. I’m not going to say your opinion is “bait” if you hate a game I love

2 years ago

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2 years ago

proto's spitting facts

2 years ago

I don’t know much about making games but what I do know is that putting a weapon wheel while thousands of enemies are around is a bad way of having a weapon system. Mega man did it right by having the game pause so you can switch weapons or in X’s case pressing one button to swap to the next one on the fly. If I play a game that has you clunkily open up a weapon wheel and switch to the next weapon without the game pausing leaving me open to get hit, that’s bad game design.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

lots of seething in this thread

2 years ago

I struggled with it in the very first stage but once you adapt to the controls it's a lot of fun. The game does throw shit at you 24/7 but if you're fast enough it isn't really an issue. It's your opinion though

2 years ago

Alien Soldier's controls aren't that bad at all. I probably got used to them within a few stages (weapon switching does feel weird though). You ain't seen TRULY bad controls until you try and play Armored Core, or Kid Icarus Uprising while being left handed.