The first world is alright, the rest is bad

This game is really fun and it sucks that it gets so much hate.

This is the probably one of the best remakes I've ever played. Everything is better

The demo for this got me into Playstation. I used to be only into Nintendo and Xbox but after playing this demo, I'm now a huge Playstation fan.

My least favorite out of 3,4 and 5. Still amazing though

3 amazing games for a really amazing price

This game was my favorite game that released in 2020. It Fixes everything I didn't like from the first game and adds so much more

Best Lego game I've ever played


This game is genuinely fun, really confused why people hate it so much.

This game is not super fun to play. The bosses suck, the hub world is lifeless and boring to walk through and it gets annoyingly difficult more often than it should. The humor is hilarious though and one of these complaints would be gone if I bought the Wii version or emulated the PSP version so I might just do that

This is the best Spider-man game I've ever played. The gameplay is fast and fun, exploring the city is great and collecting comic book pages is surprisingly fun to do.

This game is so close to a 10. Everything here feels fantastic but... they didn't wait and have the third movie as part of this game. Not having the third game is a real problem as it ends on a cliffhanger that never gets resolved.