husk of something good infantilized like every deathbed MMO for the ten stubborn old¬GODS keeping it afloat. difficulty is self-imposed, real video games don't respect my valuable time

a matchmaking patch [with no real technical issues addressed] excused as standalone with 3do port art assets, disruptive kinesthetic changes and the sum total of two ror2 early access content updates [roguelite progression reaching its apex as solo call of duty multiplayer] for gearbox to siphon further sales of ror'1' with a substantial mark up [the tyranny of drm-free gaming deserves opposition as strong as randy pitchford!]

in the grim dark future of 2023, the target audience for pc games is tech illiterate unmodded switch owners

spam some more replicators i dare you

karachi and favela, as the only good things about mw2, should have been part of patch 1.6

fusion's wet soap physics are far less outrageous than moto trial tbh

forsaken brianna saying solaris vs desecrators ship computer saying bubblebomb

straferunning is too great of a sacrifice for... what tangible benefit, exactly?

may the earth rest with its full weight on whoever coded missle splash damage