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This has a weird place in my gaming history. I did not have enough money to own several consoles, so this title was not in my possession.
I had a good friend though and he had them all. So many gaming titles have been played at his house whenever he had time for me and he was not playing himself. Because even though he had several consoles, he only had 1 TV.

I started this game up so many times but never got far because holy moly a fear it struck in me. I had never tried that before. The mix of this slow paced game, with enticing puzzles intreagued me immensely. But the constraints of the stationary camera, the small inventory and then these freaky zombies trying to kill me, just set off bursts of adrenalin in my body. Fight or flight. I do not flee but my fine motor skills are hugely impacted negatively.

I played many times, but no matter what, getting past my first Hunter would only be successful many years later on a PC.

Many games has done the same for me. Silent Hill, Alone in the Dark, Half-Life etc.
But this game just had the right mix for me to back to it time and again, and it introduced a weird ambivalent love for horror, that spread to movies also.

This is the first horror game that I completed. And I have played many horror games. I am just freakeshly inept at executing these games 😂 but I still love the sensation.
I do not do well with fast-paced horror games especially if you have to flee to survive as my brain can't seem to compute that. I need to kill and survive, not flee and hide.

Since completing this I also forced myself through Silent Hill 2, RE2remake because that sensation of fear and adrenalin is something else.