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Time Played


Days in Journal

4 days

Last played

May 17, 2024

First played

April 7, 2024

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


A strange game that remains in the "collective hivemind" due to the Atlus logo being in the corner of the box and that an NTSC copy will cost a good chunk of your rent to acquire. The price of Cubivore is the only thing anyone every talks about and I can see why after attempting a playthrough recently. Cubivore has some neat ideas for a pre-Spore "life/evolution simulator," but not enough to make the real-time gameplay experience anymore than tedious.

Cubivore may be your thing if wandering around mazes and mashing the same buttons over and over again for approximately nine hours sounds appealing. Though there's plenty of charm in the aesthetic and writing, it isn't enough to carry a boring play experience past the first few evolutions. The fact that hitting "endgame" consists of grinding mutations for hours in the same, button-mashing combat turned me off the moment I looked into what I was doing and what my end-goal was.

Duh, Cubivore isn't worth the market price it trades for. Any game that goes into the triple-digits isn't worth it, anymore, but it doesn't help when the game in question feels like a chore to play through.