Log Status






Time Played

8h 32m

Days in Journal

10 days

Last played

May 24, 2024

First played

April 30, 2018


I will never forgive EA for sending Titanfall 2 out to die. As a die-hard fan of the original on the Xbox One, seeing the game expand further with a more robust multiplayer offering and a lean, exciting single-player campaign was a dream come true. Unfortunately, the ass-hat executive decision-makers at EA decided to release that year's Battlefield game the week before.

On replay on the PC, Titanfall 2 truly comes alive with the objectively better control scheme for the speed of combat, and the online community is still alive and active. Being able to boot into a (nearly) eight-year-old title and still find reliable matches without any major botting issues (from what I have seen in May 2024 that is) or server struggles.

Every "hardcore" FPS fan has waxed poetic about how important Titanfall 2 was in livening the mostly stale "advanced mobility" shooters of the 2010s. Though wildly different from its competitors, TItanfall 2 would have easily stood out from the crowd and could have been a long-term success if not for the shit-brain business decisions that caused its failure. We still feel the sting of this to this day with constant reminder that Respawn had been attempting to work on a follow-up and was canceled in favor of the safety of the Star Wars brand and the insane recurrent revenue of Apex Legends.