It took me long enough to finally play through one of the most iconic video games of all time, but here we finally are.

Super Metroid is a massively iconic video game and for excellent reason, meaning at some point, I had to at least give it a try. Finally sitting down to enjoy its wonders after being pushed by my good friend and podcast co-host, Andrew, I've found out why many people adore this game as much as they do.

Super Metroid has obviously aged, but it still feels intuitive and fun to play despite some rather cryptic, mandatory puzzles/world traversal moments. The audio/visual presentation is stellar, and many level designs were major influences on the Metroidvania genre to come.

All in all, this is a stellar game that should not be slept on. I know its classic status means it will be preserved and played forever, but many (like myself) have continued to sleep on it for decades. Please play this important piece of video game history.

Reviewed on Apr 19, 2021
