Spider-Man: Miles Morales very much lived up to my expectations. This short[er] open-world experience takes a lot of the strengths of the initial Insomniac Spider-Man game, boils out the fat, and gives Miles Morales his long-overdue time to shine in video games.

All of that aside, the narrative of Miles Morales is rather "MCU quality," so interpret that as you see fit, yet that's made rather strong with outstanding character writing. The overall, broader narrative is kinda flat, dull, and it never builds up the obvious significant villain they were hinting at towards the beginning of the game. Other characters get their time to shine in rather fantastic ways, though, both through their gameplay bits and more moving story moments. Overall, the story is awkward, but in a good way; the predictable Marvel schlock narrative direction makes way for deeper character explorations.

Ultimately, though, I can't say I really care to complete the game. While I nabbed the Spidey-PS4 platinum, I'm not caring to do it this time around, even if there's less to do. My lack of motivation for completion on this game is honestly due to my severe lack of tolerating timewasting bullshit in games, even if they're otherwise fantastic. Sure, the activities are on the more engaging side of things as opposed to your standard Ubisoft open world, but I've got other shit I want to play sooner rather than later.

Reviewed on May 01, 2021
