Obviously, not as good as RE 4, but it has its charms.

RE 5 controls rather well, and runs for a rather alright length that isn't too short nor outstays its welcome, but there are real issues biting at the game.

As a start, this story is just completely unengaging like 4 or any other RE story before. I didn't care about Sheva, rarely cared about Chris, and thought the whole setup was just super bland.

In terms of the combat, again, it's rather good, but there's a severe issue in just how long ecnounters can last. Enemies are far more powerful than they were in RE 4, and with that, even standard enemies take so much longer to kill than is acceptable. This issue also relays into the boss fights, which are so overdrawn to the point of lasting 15+ minutes. I know JRPG fans are laughing at that with their 90-minute boss battles, but I have more things to do that sit around and just mash the triggers all day at an annoying sponge masquerading as a boss fight.

While I played RE 5 on PS4 with a friend, I figured to try the PC port for a go, and couldn't stand it. This game NEEDS to be played in coop. I know some are fine with the AI partner, but I couldn't stand the sheer idiocy of the AI and how frequently she got herself killed and with all the obnoxious menu organizing you have to do with her since she picks up everything like a vaccuum.

This leads into another complaint which is the inventory system. By god, this system is so terrible comparred to not only Resident Evil 4, but the current remakes releasing. 9 slots total, with gigantic guns taking the same amount of space as a little vial with a green herb in it? Give me a freaking break! This is all implimented to engage in coop more, and it is remedied with a partner that streamlines the process better, but I will never dare go through this alone for a whole playthrough due to all the timewasting needed to request, collect, and trade items with the AI.

My last complaint is one many will scoff at, but yeah, RE 5 is rather racially insensitive. Now, the whole game isn't racist or anything, that's nuts, but after going through the shanty towns towards the beginning chapters, all the bigs in the jungle are filled with the most jingoistic racial stereotypes one could imagine. The jingoism ends rather fast, though, going back to normal as soon as it starts, but it's an issue, nonetheless.

Overall, okay, not great. Certainly do not play this solo.

Reviewed on Apr 16, 2020
