Debatably the best expansion for any video game, ever, not just RPGs, and for good reason. Blood and Wine is a phenomenal narrative treat, nailing down all of the core pillars of what makes the universe of The Witcher tick, all while introducing a bountiful array of new content.

While Blood and Wine's story isn't as personal as Hearts of Stone previously, Blood and Wine is no slouch in the narrative department; the story is memorable and the vocal performances are phenomenal. While it's very easy to dive into spoilers involving Blood and Wine, I can just simply say it's nothing short of masterful and is definitely required for those who enjoyed the base game experience.

To add on top of the already amazing main story of Blood and Wine, it additionally introduces a new map, tons of side quests of many varieties, and even a new add-on to Gwent, so freaks like me can have a roaring good time experimenting with new cards and abilities in between monster-slaying and taking care of the seemingly time-sensitive main quest.

Like Hearts of Stone, and the base game of The Witcher 3, Blood and Wine made me laugh, craft a deeper connection with its characters, fall in love with CDPR's admiration for eloquent details, and it even had me search for the missing testicles of a statue, as well as posing for a heroic portrait that ended up being a glorified nude.

Simply fantastic, no better way of putting it.

Reviewed on Nov 28, 2020
