It's a terrific story filled with a lovable cast and plenty of standout moments where the gameplay systems are used to elevate its narrative, held down by the horrifically paced game structure that is merely "some overly gamey rpg system bullshit" at the best of times, and feels like a tonally dissonant frustrating waste of time the worst of it.

A hypothetical primarily walking sim version of this game that cuts a majority of the sillier headspace content or heavily edits days 2/3 of it to be more in line with the actual meat of the game to make a tighter more focused experience could be something I recommend without reservation. Unfortunately it is not that, and we're left with a game that makes you spend half its playtime on mostly mediocre content to experience the extremely fulfilling real half.

Fun not-Sega platformer. Stage design is kind of iffy -- in the sense that exploration is both A. meaningless and B. kind of awful. If you focus on going right, you can go right and beat the level and it will be a fun dash to the end. Like playing all the characters and the combat ended up being much more rewarding than I expected at the start.

I'm also a sucker for the hyper-weeb aesthetic and over the top dialogue. Game wears its heart on its sleeve.

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I really wish I left this game more satisfied. I had a fantastic time through the entire game, I think the characters are great, the writing is fun, the game's structure and slowly unfolding web of relationships and setting never stop keeping me glued to my seat, it does a really good job driving in the mental state of Siffrin on multiple levels, and most impressively I never got excessively bored re-clicking the same barrels and npcs for the 50th time. But ultimately, the game decided to end in a way that didn't fulfill everything I was hoping it would do. It's focused on the characters, not the world building and the lore. That's not inherently a bad thing, but I'm just left going "but what about THE THINGSSSSSSSSSSSSSS", hoping it was all gonna tie back together more on some awesome climactic level.

I do not know when I will truly finish this game but it has forced me to undergo unfathomable levels of brain expansion, highly recommend if you want to feel small and dumb