3 reviews liked by OboeMeister

Great concept for a game and the gameplay is stellar to match, but it's buggy as all hell, contains some of the least biting satire I've seen in anything ever, and it's often just very much extremely not funny.

One of the weirdest choices is the presence of text adventure sections between the actual gameplay in which you're taken through the life of the protagonist (named after the protagonist in 1984, ughhh) in which the increasing authoritarianism of the new left-wing regime affects his family in more and more explicitly negative ways. It's pretty explicitly libertarian in its specific framing of its "government is evil" mentality, but more importantly, it's just lazy. Narrative equivalent of that January 1984 boomer comic.

The rest of the gameplay is what you came for, and honestly it's great enough that I probably could have made it through the rest of this, had it not kept crashing and making me redo these shitty segments over and over again. I've had to replay the first 5-10 minutes of day 232 like 4 or 5 times now and it is full of some of the least funny and most overlong comedy bits of all time. Starts with a ridiculous number of Onion-reject headlines, I'm talking like 20 different ones all taking at least 30 seconds each, but usually more, followed by a dreadful interview between a bunch of foreign ministers, where the joke is that the vaguely Russian guy keeps saying the words "tiny penis" and the vaguely nordic/icelandic guy is a hippie who is simultaneously too lazy to vote and also in charge of a government so authoritarian that it arrests people for killing bugs since it's bad for animal welfare or some shit.

It sucks that a game with gameplay this good is stuck with this script. All I'm saying is if someone actually funny or with anything worth saying got ahold of it you'd have an incredible all-timer FMV game

Not For Broadcast's charm wears off fast, espically when you realise that the game has no stance on anything other then being extremely in the middle on everything.

i can distinctly remember begging my parents for an x-guardian subscription. i spelled my character's name wrong