Oh my god, these games just keep getting better! Metal Slug 3 is the fourth game in the series so far, and the last to be made by the original team. It has the same addictive ass gameplay, but now with added shmup sections that are a lot of fun! Plus the cool narrative moments from 2/X are increased ten fold! Battling through zombies (as a zombie!), climbing to the top of a tower and fighting a deity of some sort, your chosen character getting abducted by the aliens from 2/X and having to save them as another character!! This game is so fun I lost track of how many virtual quarters I spent on it. I'm in debt!

Reviewed on May 21, 2024


23 days ago

Sir, you have arrived at the peak of the Metal Slug mountain. Prepare to free-fall from here.

23 days ago

@Doctorlssa it's actually "ma'am"
and that's a shame. Well, even if they don't top this, I still think I'll have fun with em