Okay: let's face it here. this game is the best out of the Rabbids licence. It got fun levels, cool mechanics (you use a medical bed to glide over roofs?? Incredible), cool themes (that one casino-themed level is staying in my head for a long time), and rabbids don't feel annoying for once. The game has a good difficulty spike, although it's pretty easy getting to the end without dying a lot. The music is memorable, with gipsy music fitting the craziness of the rabbids and licensed music that stays in the mind, funny voicelines and other...
Now. If like me you want to take the road to the Master 100% completion, you'll have a harder path ahead. Prepare yourself for time-limited parts of levels you cannot go back to unless you redo the entire level, precise driving, checkpoints that can kill your progress if you die at an unconvenient time, unfairly placed holes, and speed-oriented levels that will make you insane. And also the penultimate level that just KNOWS how hard it is to get that 100%. There's 31,750 items to get in this game, no more, no less. Good luck, have fun, stay sane.

Reviewed on Jan 16, 2024
