1 review liked by OkoliTD

When I declared Xenoblade Chronicles 3 my favorite game of all time last year, I had so many people tell me it was all due to "recency bias" and "the honeymoon phase" that would all wear off with time.
13 months, three playthroughs, and an incredible story DLC later, I not only still hold this as my favorite game of all time, but I love it even more than I did after my first playthrough. All the unresolved questions have been answered, all my previous nitpicks I've come to terms with... and I can still confidently say Xenoblade 3 is the greatest, most profound work of fiction I have ever experienced.
I could never possibly praise Xenoblade 3 enough. It's perfect. Peak fiction. Changed my life forever, and I'm still feeling its effects on me every day