Short and sweet for what is basically an interactive music video with some great music. However I'm also thinking that this could've been better as a movie due to having a lot of moments where you don't do anything (or simply go one direction) until a song ends, and that is basically a deal breaker for a lot of people.

There are three things though:
1. I have the patience of a saint.
2. I only paid a couple bucks for it during the summer sale.
3. Easy platinum trophy.

In the end, I'm not complaining.

Without a doubt, the darkest main entry in the Final Fantasy series. I was pretty engrossed in the story, and I dedicated myself into doing every single sidequest possible to practically brute-force my way through. This was definitely one of my favorite games in the series.

Did a "Brotherhood of Steel" run of this game, as well as my first full playthrough. It may be a bit glitchy (I mean, it's Bethesda), but I had fun exploring the Commonwealth and decimating everything in my wake. This is easily my favorite Fallout game.

It's in the spirit of the original game, with some added features to make the game more interesting, such as branching paths and sidequests. I even enjoy the mini-game challenges, such as seeing how far I can go down the Columbia River.