Pretty much all Kirby games are varying degrees of good, it's what you can expect from this franchise. Even if the games are pretty safe and even formulaic, HAL has been polishing this style of platformer to almost obscene levels since the 90s.

However, no matter how good Kirby games get, and believe me, they get good. None really fully hold a candle to this one in my opinion, and I really don't think I am alone in that. KSSU is a perfect game, full stop. It's not the longest game, it's not the most content rich game, but literally every second you spend with this game is fun.

I've played through and beaten this game at least a dozen times by this point in my life since I was around 12 and it's never even approached getting old, to me, this is more than a cutesy, portable 2D platformer, it's an infinitely replayable, supremely polished, and timelessly memorable masterpiece and perhaps the best 2D platformer under Nintendo's belt.

If the Kirby franchise ever tops this, I will be blown away.

Reviewed on Jan 21, 2021
