So this was originally on the Nintendo 64, eh? Curious how well the hyper fast combat of oldschool DOOM translated to that console with the kind esoteric controller it has (still love that system regardless).

Glad this game got a proper official port onto PC. Before people had to resort to N64 ROMhacks if they wanted to play it with a keyboard and mouse. Of course I didn't touch the original console version nor the ROMhacks, so my only impression of DOOM 64 is through this PC port.

Gameplay wise it doesn't spew as many demons at you as DOOM and DOOM 2, which I think was due to the memory limit of the original console it ran on. Still felt fun despite that, and the difficulty felt right all the way through (Always play on Ultra-Violence). Enemy variety and behaviour is pretty much the same as previous classic DOOMs, but the Revenant, Cacodemon, and Archvile aren't present. There's the Specter version of the Imp though.

What makes this version of DOOM unique in comparison to other versions of DOOM is not only the unique artstyle, soundscape, and level design, but also an original unlockable weapon called the Unmakyr (Replaces the BFG and makes an reappearance in DOOM Eternal) and a final boss named the Mother Demon.

The Unmakyr can be upgraded throughout the game by finding Demon Keys hidden in various levels, eventually turning into a souped-up plasma gun. The Demon Keys also act as locks for the final boss level, making the fight slightly easier to get through, which I find to be lovely incentive to explore each level for secrets.

Really enjoyed the unique artstyle and sound design of DOOM 64. It helped to make this game feel distinct from the other DOOMs. Level design is similar to DOOM and DOOM 2 in which everything could be made in its engine, but DOOM 64 made interesting use of enemy layout and rising and falling platforms not seen in the OGs. Gets my respect for that.

Had a blast playing all 39 levels this re-release had to offer. Played it blind the first time without finding any Demon Keys, so the final boss was quite a pain to beat alongside the horde of demons that spawned alongside it. Had to look up a walkthrough to find them on my 2nd playthrough as well as the secret levels. So if you're looking to scratch that classic DOOM itch with new visuals and levels; this is it.

Reviewed on Feb 08, 2024
