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Everything people say it is and somehow so much more

When a AAA game like The Last of Us is so widely praised and revered by so many, I find it difficult to differentiate the overwhelming hype from authentic commendation. Having not really played a narratively driven game of this scale before, I started it with a pinch of scepticism. It's clear that the game promises a cinematic experience and it definitely makes good on that time and time again, but what really surprised me was how well it succeeded beyond that.

What can you say that hasn't already been said? Like sure the story was incredible, the characters were captivating, the environmental world building best-in-class but you knew that, c'mon it's The Last of Us for goodness sake!

What struck me to the core really, were the key moments where I truly felt that every single element of game design came together in a beautiful harmony of perfection. Moments like hanging by your feet with the world upside down as you shoot endless swarms of infected or hunting a deer as Ellie and unknowingly being guided through the forest as you follow its blood trail. Moments like these left me speechless because of how they're not just impressive or satisfying but they're truly experiences that feel made for a video game and yet so truly unique that I've never experience anything like it in a game before. Truly beyond game design these moments are works of craftsmanship where their beauty shines through often in their simplicity.

It's because of all this that TLOU is a perfect game for me. It could have quite easily been a compelling story with passable gameplay. That would have been sufficient to carry it to at least some critical acclaim. But The Last of Us takes it further by intertwining engaging gameplay systems which evolve beautifully throughout to truly immerse the player in the experience of survivalists slowly gaining tools and confidence throughout. This alongside the dynamic gameplay sequences and pace breakers keep you engaged through each detour and winding path between the ever gripping story beats.

Reviewed on Feb 15, 2024
