We wanted to like Infinite as much as the other two. We really did. But no matter how much we tried, it just didn't as special, and if it weren't for an autistic fixation on the Lutece Twins, I think we would have abandoned this game.

Don't get me wrong, this was a Bioshock game; but we wonder if perhaps it would have benefitted from not being a Bioshock title (plot & dlc aside). There was a sprit that 1 & 2 had that Infinite failed to elicit from us; Columbia was no Rapture, it didn't feel as fleshed out, as lived in, as full as the haunted empty underwater city, despite the countless citizens that lined the streets and the incredible atmospheric sound and design of the city. The characters were good, but- apart from perhaps the Lutece twins- every character felt flat compared to the quirky, messed up citizens of Rapture (and I sincerely do not think that was helped by the benign choice to have the Generic Gruff Main Character of the era).

If not compared to its predecessors, it was a gorgeous game that perhaps didn't appeal to our tastes as much as we'd like. It was interesting, and beautiful, and had some very memorable moments. But alas, by wearing Bioshock's shoes, it doomed itself to trip.

Character It's been so long, and we've yet to find a duo character that hit quite the same way as the Lutece. Brilliant designs, fantastic story, and a wit about them that just has you excited the moment you hear their leitmotif.
Location - Battleship Bay always sticks with us; as someone who grew up in a seaside town, it really did get the atmosphere down wonderfully.
Moment - Booker's remembering.

Reviewed on Jan 25, 2024
