Not bad, but not that super engaging either. The shopkeeping mechanic is pretty interesting.

looked neat but way too old school for me


Interesting concept. Puzzles are a bit too easy for the first hour or so, but it's overall a decent game.

found family trope grips my heart once again


interesting story, but the whole side-arcs/sidequests that require you to find this guy's ball or find this dude's mixtape felt really monotonous, but if you just go through the main story without any of the side content you'll end up hitting roadblocks because of being extremely underleveled. i didn't want to spend hours doing side content that would make me hate the game, so i just watched a playthrough on youtube.

other than that, the combat mechanics are really interesting, and the sketchbook-style art is really charming.

i wish so badly that genshin had the level of writing this game has. not that star rail is a literary masterpiece, but it's infinitely more fun, the main character is actually likeable and not a mute stand-in for the player, and the dialogue doesn't treat the player like an elementary student

cool turn-based mechanics, too bad i suck at turn-based games

i was hyped for this, and played when it came out, but just a couple weeks in i was already thinking of dropping it. is it the fact that i've already invested so much time in genshin and don't want to spend time grinding in another hoyoverse game? are turn-based games not for me? guess i'll never know

also the game seems to be unexplainedly perfoming poorly in certain areas (mostly xianzhou), while genshin doesn't seem to have that issue despite being open world?

this feels like it's desperately trying to retain the attention of people with short attention spans... it's a bit of a mess with no direction

this was one of my fav games when i was younger. still is

didn't really keep me engaged, felt really slow at the start

i have no idea what is going on but this feels like it would be very fun if i put more time into it

banger game from my childhood

Really fun Factorio-like cooking-themed game, with a much bigger focus on optimization. I also liked the assistant's dialogue, I found it pretty funny.

really, really overwhelming when getting started, and the tutorial isn't really that good at explaining what you need to do. despite that i think there's a good amount of complexity here that i would enjoy if i wanted to put more time into learning how to play