The fourth part of this game kinda fucking blows, but I REALLY love the characters enough to overlook some of the piss poor decisions in the story, Akiyama especially is a favourite, Saejima and Tanimura are great too, I specifically love Tanimura’s side stuff relating to Little Asia. Overall the substories are pretty strong, Akiyama and Tanimura having the best ones, I like this game even if it goes full fucking meathead ooogaa booga the times when it shouldn’t. Also Haruka should’ve been in it more

Fuck the Saejima Amon fight tho who thought it’d be a good idea for you to fight a guy with an EXPLODING SLEDGEHAMMER that does 1/5 your health AND the guy regens fuck off 3/10 video game

Reviewed on Dec 11, 2022
