i've never really been super into boomer shooters but dusk is a rootin tootin good time. short, fairly simple by modern standards, but still feels great to play.

i LOVED the movement in this one. zipping around at a million miles and hour and firing off rivets is 10/10, as does quickly forcing your way through tighter levels with the shotgun. there's definitely a bit of variance in how much i liked each weapon (hunting rifle and super shotgun felt way better than the crossbow, for example, but the latter still saw plenty of use), but i guess that's to be expected. and while not every level is a winner (most of the early ones are REALLY slow), there's a ton that i loved. whether it's picking off enemies from afar or juggling 5 different wendigos, dusk has a ton of great moments.

i didn't really have many issues with this one, other than getting used to the weird save menu (which is mostly just me being stupid) and how secrets are mostly just tiny ammo stashes and usually not worth the effort of seeking them out. also i didn't realize there was a weapon wheel until the last level of the game, nor did i realize that morale was your armor until just a minute ago. whoops! big dummy moments lol

definitely not the best shooter i've played, but not bad by any means. the little frog dudes are very scary though :(

Reviewed on May 07, 2024
