graceful explosion machine is a bit of a weird relic in my eyes. back when the switch launched, this was one of like three or four games on the eshop that actually looked decently interesting - long before the storefront was dominated by Hentai Calculator Platinum Edition and other assorted slop. but the fact that it took seven fucking years for me to finally get through this one says a lot.

in its defense, GEM is probably one of the most inoffensive games i've ever played. a mobile-esque high-score focused shooter that dumps all its gimmicks on you in the first five minutes and tells you to go wild. gameplay and concept-wise, it's not terrible. having to constantly cycle through your weapons while keeping track of your energy/cooldowns is decently fun, and the frantic difficulty ends up being pretty satisfying without tipping over into frustrating territory. the looping environment is a fun gimmick, and in short bursts the game is fine. looks decent, sounds decent, and does exactly what it wants to do.

problem is that it ends up becoming boring and repetitive fairly quickly. outside of introducing new enemies once in a blue moon and slightly changing the environment with each level, your first half hour in this game is gonna look the exact same as the last one. outside of color palette and ups in difficulty, there's no sense of progression. no engaging hooks, no bosses, no big challenges, just shoot and dash. i'm not expecting an absurd level of quality from a game as simple (and inexpensive) as this, but past the first world there isn't anything that's gonna make you a fan if you weren't one already.

it's not terrible, just not engaging at all. if you're a fan of shooters like this, you'll probably like it - otherwise, it's probably one you're gonna need to force yourself to finish.

Reviewed on May 13, 2024
