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really makes you feel like a jedi knight because your bodycount ends up being comparable to Duke Nukem even if you dont go dark side (huhuh What An Mess). also does more interesting stuff in regards to "ThreeDee Level Design" and traversal through said levels than whatever your favorite babyproofed bingbingwahoo title from the past 25+ years happens to be, hence why the gaming essay writing elite subscribed to GameMaker's Toolkit, whose ideal of an involving action-adventure is likely Wind Waker rather than Hexen, will tell you it's confusing+Stupid&BAD (quite unlike Them). Kyle Katarn can jump like Goku and straferun as fast as the earlier mentioned action man powered up by steroids (far too powerful to be canon, just like Kotor2!!!!) which is why You should treat "independent thinkers" who put le biggest badass doomguy on a pedestal with the disdain&disrespect they deserve.