I'm sorry but you can't carry more than 2 grenades of each type anymore, master chef lost that superpower when he fell from orbit offscreen (you have to read the book to learn more about that). I knew I was playing teh best gaem in teh trilogy when I went through that joyously fun second scarab encounter and then not much later got instagibd by a jackal sniper (my favorite enemy in the Halo Sandbox™) and had to do it all over again because the checkpoint system is as usual very good, adding manual saves to the PC port would go against bungee's artistic MTN Dew sponsored vision after all. All my fellow kids apparently hated how Keith David in Halo 2 was an actual character and had a kewl predator cloak, so thankfully in singleplayer you only play as Green Armyman in this epic conclusion that plays out almost as well as the works You read on fanfiction dot net in those intervening years between 2004 and 2007.

Reviewed on Mar 18, 2024
