Oscar Charlie Bravo Mike, frag those tangos with your semiautomatic M14!!! The signature seventh gen Realistic Warfighter sepia tone visuals along with things like the "run mildly faster while wiggling your gun like a jack-off" feature here really show how much ambition there was behind this contractually obligated "Haylo 4" as they internally called it. instead of writing up a vietnam war memorial's worth of text/complaints I'll just say that thankfully there are NoMore Halo campgns left for me to play (YeP!). my favorite part was That Part, besides That one of course, yes, you know the one, when the CURRENT OBJECTIVE pop-up merely read ONLY THE STRONGEST WILL SURVIVE!!!!! LEAD ME TO HEAVEN WHEN WE DIE!!!!! I AM A SHADOW ON THE WALL!!!!!! I'LL BE THE ONE TO SAVE US ALL!!!!!!!!! SAVE US ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!

ps: my spartan OC might not be able to dual wield but at least he is forklift certified....

Reviewed on Mar 21, 2024
