"IT'S AN ISLAND, NOT A FAIRY TALE!!!" exclaimed the expendable Treasure Planet extra in the intro to this dark machewr fantasy story where the not-catholic church is as affable as usual (thank G*d, I hate subverted expectations!), later followed up by the stronk rebellious gUrl archetype yelling out and echoing the same very much evident sentiment. And naturally the following cutscene in this grounded tale has a cameo from everyone's favorite Dishonored assasination target portraying a DiDney villain (your royal highness Farquaad). The point I'm making is that this "Revolutionary ARPG taking inspiration from Diablo", where you start the game proper as a hobo washed up on a beach and go around punching crabs, is clearly made by earnest and most of all humble people not unwilling to own up to what kind of work this is. That being a "fantastical story" backed up by a score from the composer of soundtracks for the likes of Command & Conquer 4, F3AR, Tomb Raider 2013, plus all those horror stingers from Dead Space You fondly remember and didNot set the volume for to zer0. Instead of the guy who merely got a Jerry Goldsmith award for his previous work, whom a certain someone claimed would be doing the muzak for all of His studio's future titles.

ThatsRight boys+gurls the day has finally arrived, Runic Games has finally brought us the long-awaited successor to Dark Souls 2 Last Epoch Hob "Us gAmers" and all my fellow Torchlight fans definitely have been waiting for years for (yes I have indeed beaten the better of those two games on "HC" my fellow ARPG enJoYers, Dont Believ Me?????). Get ready to partake early in the next step in the evolution of action role-playing games by chopping down trees for crafting materials as you hunt for fat epic l00t such as apples or swords with riveting attributes like +20% damage against LARGE enemies, or ones with an ego as big as Thomas Mahler's (EAT YOUR HEART OUT NIOH DIABLO 4), so that the upcoming session of iframing through Defanatus the Sordid Executioner's attacks will hopefully end 20% sooner and in turn allow you to move on to the next fleeting distraction being advertised to you in your youtube subscription feed that much quicker.

Just like all the buzzword laden marketing speak promovideos on yootoob and blurbs on your favorite digital storefront purport, this topdown DarkSåul clone with exploration that's as rewarding as in the game they took the stamina wheel from (YaHaHa you found coppercoin$), and itemization that makes Diablo 4 look good in comparison, is a revolutionary take on the genre of games where you clip your sword through enemies because... it just is, OKAY!!! There's all sorts of much needed innovations here like magic that requires you to hit enemies with your stick to fill up your rage meter before you can cast a single heroic strike I mean fireball, an exciting progression system for unlocking more slots in each individual inventory tab, and of course player homes (SimS fans rejoice!) where you get show off to all your justin.tv viewers how close to the entrance you placed your stash and crafting stations that you had to commit deforestation for. I could bring up all sorts of constructive criticisms but that'd be quite redundant since this is an early access game after all, so ResT assured folx, the developers will arduously spend a lot of time on working up excuses for the lack of updates or changes to the unfinished game they've already managed to sell to you without any stated estimation or even a vague guess on how long "EA" might last in the roadmap they refer to. That happens to be a pedantic requirement about semantics mandated by GabeN bytheway, justice shall be servd to teh wickd.....

Ps: SalutationS to any&all gAmers!! go away and take your reactionary 'upvotes' with you, ThanX :~D

Reviewed on Apr 19, 2024


2 months ago

I was going to 'upvote' but was refused. Instead I'll be sending an affectionate glitter bomb to your house :)

2 months ago

or was it the other way around...