To all the smug little poindexters that recommend this boring ass series every time someone mentions SMT or some other dungeon crawler:

1. May the Universe itself conspire against you, strike you down, and rend your Soul asunder, such that your Body fades away with the sands of Time, and your Soul is confined to the holy Purgatory outside the Realm of existence, where the full weight of your new Nonexistence will be laid bare, now and forevermore. You will come to be intimate with the Event Horizon that stradles the edge of Infinity and Nothingness. Even the indomitable promise of Time will falter, and your very thoughts will abandon you. Peace will be nothing more than a forlong Dream from a time long past in the godless place; there will be no forgiveness, no solace. No, only the oppressive horror of Oblivion will remain.

2. Your jordans are fake

Reviewed on Dec 11, 2021


2 years ago

play labyrinth of refrain instead its like this but cooler

2 years ago

I trust you

2 years ago


2 years ago

calm down

2 years ago

play motherfukken wizardry 1-2-3 for the snes bro

2 years ago

I trust you too

2 years ago

play dungeon travellers 2

2 years ago

I trust you as well

2 years ago


8 months ago

play smt strange journey

8 months ago

@Caidren already have, loved it

8 months ago

Play Labyrinth of Refrain