Valorant 2020

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Riot actually add improvements, new features, and quality of life changes to their game instead of making more overpriced skins challenge (IMPOSSIBLE) (99% FAIL)

How is it that this game, a competitive shooter that relies heavily on audio cues, doesn't have surround sound, meanwhile, Sonic Heroes, a game from 2003, has it?

How in the fuck has Riot not added a goddamn replay system into this game yet?
Why do they not do anything about smurfing?
Why is Lotus the worst map in any game ever?
Why is Jett so overpowered?
Why does the game's community tell me I need to "get good" anytime I have any complaints about his game because I'm not Immortal yet?
Why is the game allowed to have a rotating shop, an obviously malicious practice to create FOMO and make people spend more money on the game?
Why do they not give you some sort of RR loss reduction when one of your teammates is AFK? (Riot's other dumpster fire, LoL, even does this)
Why does reporting cheaters never do anything, and then why do I get gaslit by being told "vAlOrAnT HaS a RoBuSt aNti-cHeAT, cHEaTiNg iS bAsiCaLlY iMpOsSibLe!"?
Why is everyone on this game so toxic?
Why is the game's remake window only on the 2nd round?
And most importantly of all...

Why do I keep playing this shit ass game?????

How in the fuck has Riot not added a goddamn replay system into this game yet?
Why do they not do anything about smurfing? Why is Lotus the worst map in any game ever?
Why is Jett so overpowered?
Why does the game's community tell me I need to "get good" anytime I have any complaints about his game because I'm not Immortal yet?
Why is the game allowed to have a rotating shop, an obviously malicious practice to create FOMO and make people spend more money on the game?
Why do they not give you some sort of RR loss reduction when one of your teammates is AFK? (Riot's other dumpster fire, LoL, even does this)
Why does reporting cheaters never do anything, and then why do I get gaslit by being told "vAlOrAnT HaS a RoBuSt aNti-cHeAT, cHEaTiNg iS bAsiCaLlY iMpOsSibLe!"?
Why is everyone on this game so toxic?
Why is the game's remake window only on the 2nd round?
And most importantly of all...

Why do I keep playing this shit ass game?????

I wish they would stop making FPS games where moving your character while shooting gives them Parkinson's.