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June 5, 2021

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Airtight & almost fantastic. The episodic format by no means does a service to the rather twisted knot of a story (some episodes are practically interludes posing as something greater) & would have likely performed smoother by having each character stretch be their own episode instead of swapping back & forth between each other in the span of each episode.

Lovely genre blending, though, & one of the better examples of the RE franchise pulling it off. Dank, dark & damp Jill moments; Shoot 'em up ball to the wall Chris & Parker sections. Both of which result in a nicely balanced romp. At times, even the former has instances laced with this rather arcade style game/gunplay which, in some cases is a detriment to the moody boat-rocking atmosphere, but for Rev1 is a peculiar blessing.

None of the fresh faces are either interesting or well designed, parading around as otherwise faceless entities present to simply stretch the twists in the plot a bit long. Major props to the setting, however, as a pirate's life is clearly for me.