Spectacular. A completely succinct package where each level is a masterclass in this series' philosophy. I'm neutral on a submachine gun being your default gun (other weaponry can be unlocked later), but that riot shield being yr primary form of cover is a small stroke of genius. It doesn't function any different, it just allows this illusion of free flowing throughout each level, bobbing in & out to pop baddies.

My only hang-up is that thee bonus mission - exclusive to this PS2 port - drops thee ball about half way thru. That initial trawl thru thee vender-riddled streets, icing off in a freezer, fending off against a camouflaged tank - all sincerely highlight moments that would have fit nicely into any other game in thee series. Frantically flailing my reticle around in hopes of popping a leak in boat while weaving in & out of missiles is not my idea of a slick send off to thee mission though. Additional mini game inclusions, however, are something that I would never turn down. Wreaking havoc to media store stock, or firing up a staircase ala MGS1 was a rush of warm blood to my head. Do not miss this.

Part of my Light/Rail Shooter list.

Reviewed on May 03, 2024
