The original RE3 is easily my favorite of the classic trilogy, so when I heard that it was getting a remake after the masterpiece that was RE2R I was stoked and couldn't wait to see my favorite moments from the OG in HD, like the open streets of Raccoon City, the gothic clock tower, the creepily metallic dead factory, the really cool giant worm boss fight, or Nemesis constantly chasing you... And with that being said if you have only played the remake you'll be wondering what the fuck I'm babbling about, and that is my biggest problem here.
Seeing this game as a remake of the original, it's a fucking disgrace. The only things remaining here are the core plot points of its base game, stripping away a lot of the fun of it. It even loses the backtracking and the chilling pursuits, which were highly acclaimed things in RE2R, so I don't get this unless it's due to time constraints. Being fair though, this game does improve some stuff from the og game. First and foremost, most characters are given a much better treatment, like Mikhail and Tyrone, but specially Jill and Carlos. I kind of prefer the shadiness of the original Nicholai and how much of a big coward Brad was, but they are fun here too. The gameplay and graphics are an obvious win here, and I love how here Raccoon City has its own weird neon arcade-y identity. Also Carlos gets more playable sections so that's an obvious win.
Now if we see this as its own game... it's fine? It's incredibly short (even shorter than the original omfg) and doesn't leave that much of an impact, but it's still pretty fun and kind of challenging. It feels more like a weird spinoff of RE2R, and I guess that if you see it that way and didn't buy it at launch it's a decent buy, but as a fan of the original RE3, this is the most disappointing thing since my son.

Reviewed on Apr 21, 2023
