For years I have seen many say that this is one of the best genesis games ever made. Some say one of the best platformers in general. And yeah now after finally beating it, I get it. It has so much of that Konami charm you would find in all of their early retro titles. The music is a banger that kept me motivated. Your nemesis was such an interesting character and when you finally went up against him in the final level it was really nuts. Finally boss also had me nervous especially after I had thought I beat the game. The level design is well done and fun to experience the stages. The sword and rocket charge mechanic was fun to use and added a great layer of action and momentum compared to your run of the mill platformer. The concept of this main character I also just love. I can see why Konami had Sparkster as a mascot for a while. Super fun and engaging game from level to level without stop. Felt like an arcade game that was made just for the genesis. A schmup level in space, a boss where you fight in a mech, a boss while riding on a minecart. Game had lots of surprises and creativity. Wonder if the sequel is just as good... Highly recommend

Reviewed on Apr 26, 2023
