5 Reviews liked by Pangaiano

Una mezcla interesante de Souls y Metroidvania pero con mucho más énfasis en el concepto Souls (dificultad, mensajes crípticos, combates viscerales...). Tiene la mala manía de los "soulslike" de ser excesivamente enrevesado en su lore y de centrarse mucho en un combate que, por otro lado, tampoco es realmente profundo. Hay opciones para "buildear" al personaje sí, pero los movimientos de ataque son bastante limitados y poco originales. Además, pega un subidón de dificultad en el último tramo del juego, incluyendo los DLCs, que no sienta nada bien.
En todo caso, la ambientación del juego es realmente apasionante y se configura como un homenaje buenísimo a toda la tradición cristiana en general y a la Semana Santa en particular.
El diseño de enemigos, de personajes y de lugares es espectacular, ganando puntos en los sprites "gigantes", pero muchos enemigos de tamaño más mediano destacan también por su característico diseño, que quedan como reconocibles e icónicos una vez que te enfrentas a ellos un par de veces.
Es un producto patrio de obligado juego para fans de los géneros que toca y mucho más para todo jugador que quiera dar apoyo a un estudio que se ha ganado el reconocimiento internacional por una obra que derrocha cariño, pasión y mucho respeto por el material fuente.

The lack of proper support to this game turned what could have been a great one into crap. They have such great ideas like the deck building, but instead of working on it they would much rather make 200 oversexualized skins for every female character in the game. They know their public. What you end up with is an unbalanced game with a lack of map variety and bad servers.

Timeless game.
This game hasn't aged a day. The pixel art is gorgeous and some of the best I've seen from the time, but it also uses 3D elements very sparringly. This has allowed the game to age visually well unlike some other PS1 classics cough FF7 cough. Shame that at the time many people didn't want to play it because it was a 2D game.

Gameplay wise the game is great. The loop of get an item explore an area, find another item or powerup to explore another area never gets tiring. It is very satisfying to see your character progress and gain so many abilities through out the game. Not all of them have the same level of usefulness tho.

The combat is pretty basic, but it works really well. The game has some enemies with a good set of attacks or a good set of enemies for you to face and the enemy variety is perfect. Where the game faulters for me is the bosses. They are all too easy, to the point where it's laughable. The hallways you go through facing enemies provide more a challenge than the bosses in this game, which is a shame for an otherwise stellar game.

The soundtrack is also good and has some great tracks. Here are some of my favourites:
- Wood Carving Partita
- Dance of Pales
- The Tragic Prince
- Death Ballad
- Finale Tocata
- Tower of Mist
- Festival of Servants ( this one is for the Xenoblade fans out there)
And so on, honestly I could name the whole soundtrack here. It really sets or hightens the mood of the fights/zones.

This game is a classic for a reason and I really recommend it, especially if you enjoy games like Zelda for example.

The game is engaging enough to keep you playing through it but I think it lacks a better story. Mechanics are nothing groundbreaking.

I tried to play this game for more than 20 hours, but I don't know. Each time I build a big ass house, I try to make myself geared, fight the first boss, then I'm immediately bored.

Can't say why, I guess I just don't really like the fighting aspect of the game neither, I like the house progression enough to continue fighting enemies to build a better house.

On thing is for sure : the vibe the game gives is really good and even if I don't really like the gameplay I was able to spend more than 20 hours on the game.

But don't forget, true Viking needs his cookie 🍪