+one of the tighter sets of 3D sonic controls, especially with a much-needed double jump. other details like jumping between rails or quick-stepping felt much more serviceable than other sonic games I've tried. the homing attack as well is accurate and responsive, which is never a given
+this is absolutely the best format for a 3D sonic bar none. each world begins with a lengthier stage much like a normal 3D sonic level, generally with a variety of setpieces and a new wisp mechanic introduced. afterwards there are generally a couple levels that expand on a setpiece from the prior level or fiddle around with something else ie rotating platforms or the spring balloon autoscrollers, which are sometimes completable in under a in minute. this pacing kept me from getting fatigued, as it's nice to have those short levels to blow through in between the heftier fare. best of all, no stage in the game took me more than around 5 or 6 minutes, and those were only the result of multiple deaths. no sonic game should have ever had stages longer than that, period
+an absolutely gorgeous wii game, obviously reflecting sega's maturity on the specs of sixth-gen hardware. the environments are each unique and attractive thanks to the constant amusement park ideas strewn throughout, giving each world a distinct look and feel without delving into sonic tropes like "casino area" etc.
+bottomless pits are not as much of an issue here, for one because the game puts up a caution sign whenever you are running towards one, but also because most levels feature alternate routes that you will fall to upon missing a platform or some other failure, much like the genesis sonic games
+I only got one S rank the entire game as far as I am aware, but they definitely don't seem unachievable. likewise with the red rings, I collected quite a few but still have many untouched. even though the game is short, these give much-needed longevity to players seeking full completion (I will probably wait to do this until I can get sonic colors ultimate on sale and work through everything for trophies). it helps that wisps unlocked later in the game populate early stages, so that new areas can be explored upon a revisit
+story is extremely light thank god. the pontac/griff stuff gets hate because it's pretty poor western cartoon-style writing, but at least I don't have to strain myself trying to understand what's going on
+solid boss encounters, even though each one is repeated (with mechanics that change mind you). they never take too long and each incorporate a core gameplay element from the main levels (ie the free-running quickstep segments, or side-scrolling platforming between obstacles) without feeling weird
+the wisp powerups are each such solid gimmicks and can often be quickly deployed in a level without disrupting the pacing. they are also specifically designed to "sequence break" in many cases, which always feels badass
+the music... duh

-some of the aforementioned smaller levels feel brief to the point of being underdesigned. in many cases, I think this is really because the level is mainly meant for red coin collection with a simple race-to-the-finish purposefully being extremely short. in levels with repeated gimmicks though, it feels pointless to go through them... perhaps some of these should be optional stages
-this is by far the least jank in a 3d sonic game but there is still a little bit... some wisp powerups control stiffly or uncomfortably for one. I hate to mention the usual sonic "I was supposed to do a scripted big jump but instead I hit something wrong so I'm flying to my death" issues because I only had a couple deaths to those but they are present as well

after playing generations earlier this year I thought that all 3D sonic was terrible, even the ones generally hailed as better entries. this one really impressed me though... this is finally the sonic game that made me say "this is fucking nice" while I was playing it. so many times in sonic games I have briefly had moments where I thought it only to be disrupted by jank or poor design... in this game you can sit and appreciate how cool the game is without flying into a pit or having to go through a terrible gameplay sequence. 3D sonic at his best no question

Reviewed on Jun 27, 2021
