Give my peaceful proclivities, the game essentially undermines itself because the native creatures apparently only attack once I start building things. So that means the ideal way to play is just not to build anything, completely undermining the point of the game. Fortunately there are settings to change how the game works and there are many mods. But there's still the problem that turning on peaceful mode means much of the tech tree is wasted. Part of the problem is that there's apparently no real reason to build anything. There's nothing driving actions in the game, apart from simply the urge to build. But this is at odds with the native creatures. So the peaceful method is to do nothing. The ideal scenario for me would seem to be a story in which the aliens are not just destroying my base once I start building, but are actually some kind of hostile invading force that is actively trying to kill me. Or maybe if I had a small society of humans that are threatened by native predatory creatures. I don't like games where I feel like I'm the "bad guy" and this game too often gives me that feeling. It's too bad because there's so much here that is extremely compelling to me. I suppose the Pacifist mod is the best path for me, as it removes military tech, but I would prefer the have the mililtary but in a game scenario that was purely defensive as opposed to the default which feels implicitly aggressive.

I finally was able to finish freeplay on default settings. What worked was maxing out game speed, starting out fairly slowly by manually mining a lot, and rushing research to all efficiency modules, electric furnaces and solar panels. I did get attacked once by an expansion that got too close so I packed up my entire operation and moved to an area that was not close to any nests and it ended up working until the end of the game. I don't know if I just got lucky or what, but I didn't even bother building any defenses, except for walls in the hope that they would deter invasions. So I guess for me the design of the game just isn't entirely what I'm looking for because I just really don't want to engage with the combat mechanics at all but it feels too limiting too play that way.

Reviewed on May 17, 2024

1 Comment

11 days ago

"So that means the ideal way to play is just not to build anything, completely undermining the point of the game"
the main objective of the game is to build a rocket, which is impossible to do so without building. You missed the entire point of the game. YOU are the hostile invading force. You get attacked ONLY because you are a parasite sucking the natural resources out of the alien world and polluting it (The pollution getting to aliens is what triggers them to attack you). What are you asking for is objectively for the game to be exactly like thousands of others. Go play "They are Billions", it is exactly what you are looking for.