Solo Developed Games Ranked

I love developers that are so passionate they can develop an entire game by themselves.

Lucas Pope is a genius. This game is a masterpiece and feels like it was designed for my taste specifically.
Technically this was a 3-person team, but Chris Sawyer did ALL of the programming himself... and wrote it all in Assembly. The absolute madlad.
Back in the day before this game was a multi-billion dollar conglomerate, it was a fun solo-dev'd game that I had on a USB drive.
Fun with friends, but lost interest quickly.


Respect where respect is due - this is the best selling game of all time.
Having this down so low might be a hot take. This was just fine to me. I understand why it's as beloved as it is, though.
This game was close to being awesome, but one sequence in particular was so frustrating it bumps it down several spots.


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