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honestly, I can't quite tell you why I feel so strongly about this game.

part of it is probably because I didn't spoil myself nearly as much on the final chapters of this game compared to other KH games. so, that ending, especially the blank points cutscene, it hit like an emotional freight train.

not to say other KH games didn't hit like emotional freight trains though. even having spoiled myself on other games, they still had hard hitting scenes. but this game's final scenes definitely left more of an impression.

as for the gameplay, that's the main part where I can't say why I rank it higher than KH1 or 2.

I mean, I kindoff can: command styles are super fun, especially blade charge and ghost drive. and aqua was definitely the most fun to play. even without the super overpowered magic she can get her hands on, the magic she gets is super fun to use. and can't forget those command styles.

but, is is better than KH2's combat? that I can't be sure of. probably not? maybe? idk.

does the game have problems? absolutely. it's grindy, you revisit the same areas multiple times (especially aqua got the short end of the stick in this regard), the bosses don't play to the game's strengths and often have that one attack that drags the fight down...

and I'm honestly glad I don't have to grind again in this game, and it's definitely not the first game I'll replay when I do replay these games...

but despite these flaws, I walked away from birth by sleep with even more positive feelings than KH1 or 2. so, I'm going by that feeling, and ranking it higher.