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for me personally, I'd say I like it about equally as the first game.

the combat is better in this game, there's more great bosses, and I prefer the music and slightly prefer this game's story over the first.

that seems like it's weighing heavily in KH2's favour, and it admittedly is, but I just can't bring myself to rank it higher than the first (or lower). it just doesn't feel right. so, I've decided that I like it equally.

plus, the first game has some pros too, like better level design. also, I just kindoff... like something about that game's vibes more.

the first game was also harder. maybe it's just because I played on proud instead of critical, but still. there were some tough bosses for sure, but it's not like KH1 where I really had to learn them all.

don't get me wrong though, KH2 is amazing, and overall more fun than the first. probably a better game, but I like them both equally.