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incredible game with an incredible story. plenty of emotional moments and great scenes all throughout. though, I do think the story slows down a bit near the end, but it picks up again at the ending.

I do wish the villains had gotten a bit more screentime, they're for sure not as good as xenoblade 2's villains, but great none the less.

don't get me wrong though, the story's incredibly, and definitely with better pacing than 2, getting good much earlier.

the sidequests are easily the best in the series, and the exploration too, with plenty of optional areas to go through.

I think I prefer 2's combat, but this game's combat is still good. I do think it still has the issue that the way the combat works means you kindoff approach every encounter the same, but it's still enjoyable none the less, so I don't mind.

the massive amount of customisation is also great.

the soundtrack's fantastic as well. a lot of area themes this time around, which are generally a bit calmer than previous games. I think I might prefer 2's soundtrack, which has more battle themes which include more high energy stuff, and I think I might prefer cutscene and area music for that game too, but that doesn't take away from how amazing 3's soundtrack is, and I love some of 3's touches with the music too, like how the battle music changes as the bosses get low health.

I guess I keep saying that I prefer a bunch of things in 2, but like I said, that doesn't take away from 3's quality, and 3 is definitely more polished with a more consistent quality throughout, and some other strengths over 2 which I already mentioned.