2 reviews liked by PatOLog

This is a weird one for me. This used to be my absolute favourite game, but in the same way that I became disillusioned with Rockstar, I became completely disillusioned with Bethesda once I realised how one note their games are.

In retrospect, I don't think Skyrim has aged particularly well at all, as it doesn't really do much new with the Elder Scrolls formula, and in some ways it's actually worse than its predecessors.

Terrible game that get's praised for being lesser than its peers. Genuinely don't understand what people see in this game outside the story (which is laughably out of place in the GTA format even). Unbearably clunky and boring, shitty uninspired map, ugly as sin visuals even for the time, I can go on.

Its undeserving of all the praise it has when its literally outclassed by games prior to it. People just have nostalgia glasses for "WHOA REALISM" during that shitty era of gaming that everything tried to cash in on.
Fuck this game.