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I feel like I should like this game more
There's a lot of stuff in it, it's just the loads of stuff has little to no substance.
I like the abundance of characters, but 90% are never expanded upon.
The combat system has a lot of elements going into it, it's just not really utilized or used in creative ways, it can be very spammy.
The game is slow and that's fine but the game chugs very badly. I've heard people complain about the radical dreamers edition being locked to 30fps but the original ps1 version chugs to like 15fps or slower during combat regularly.
I will say it has some truly fantastic moments in it that kept me playing. Harle steals the game every second she's in it and Kid's story is super intriguing and interesting too.
Chrono Cross is a very unique game and despite it's numerous flaws I don't regret playing it and I think it shouldn't be compared (despite its ties to trigger) and criticized so harshly for not being chrono trigger 2