I think I liked this game?
The aesthetics, graphics and music were all top notch and really created a fantastic atmosphere and style.
The story was a little up its own ass but I was invested.
The gameplay was tedious but honestly I kinda enjoyed it.
I don't know if I would say it is an "anti-rpg" it was more so a puzzle game rpg/visual novel (?).
The ending was pretty bad tho, it felt rushed and wasn't satisfying and I don't mean because it was unhappy it was bad. It just did not feel satisfying like the dev's didn't know how to end the game.
I'd argue this game fights you along the way and it is very uncompromising. Like this game demands you wait by a tunnel until a very specific time window to trigger a story event. If you miss that trigger you gotta wait another day for that window to pop up again. There's more examples of events like that in the game.
I was both frustrated by that but I also kinda respected the game for having to play it in such a specific way and mindset.
I can't say I will play it again, maybe I'll have a friend play it and I'll watch. It's one of the most unique games I've played and maybe you should try it too. I doubt you've played anything like it

The most embarrassing thing I can say about myself is I cried during the ending.
Despite knowing how the game will end if you are even slightly familiar with the original it was still a beautiful scene.
Fun combat, The story kinda jumps the shark with genesis imo, but I was still invested
I don't see myself replaying this like I do ff7, but I do recommend playing it if you enjoy ff7
It's probably the best final fantasy spin off

This game marked the day atlus died

For the past 6 years I tell myself I will pick it up again and give it a second chance and I never do

Is this the greatest game ever made?



yes こボナ

yes (こボナ)




♩👹 Ƴ𝓔𝕤 🍩🍔





•´¯`•. 🎀 𝓎𝑒𝓈 🎀 .•`¯´•



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(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ yes ♥

˜”°•.˜”°• yes •°”˜.•°”˜















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is this the greatest game ever made?

No, but it's really fucking good

This game is not for me and that's fine. I prefer the older tank control games.
For what it's worth it was enjoyable enough for me to finish it. it does what it does well enough and I understand the appeal.
I just wish it didn't change resi into games like it for like a decade

One of the best worst games that lives in my head rent/mortgage/down payment free

seriously tho why would Eike going in the past to prevent a tree from growing stop him from getting assassinated

I played this with 3 friends and it was an incredibly fun time.
I might go back and play it single player because it was that enjoyable

Great visuals, Fun gameplay, Very replayable
I think I didn't get the full experience because I played it single player

I loved every minute of this game. I don't really enjoy open world games, but kamurocho is so well designed and fun to explore.
The combat is satisfying, the story is a little cheesy at times, But I enjoyed it a lot.

Better than 0

I'm not a digimon fan, but this game is so much better than any pokemon game it's not even funny

My only complaint was the game was a little too short

I preordered this game and it disappointed me immensely.
Shin megami tensei v is just a much worse nocturne.
The combat system was very snappy and satisfying though

Jank but enjoyable
Obviously nowhere near as good as crazy taxi, but I'm a big simpsons and crazy taxi fan so I had a fun time

I feel like I should like this game more
There's a lot of stuff in it, it's just the loads of stuff has little to no substance.
I like the abundance of characters, but 90% are never expanded upon.
The combat system has a lot of elements going into it, it's just not really utilized or used in creative ways, it can be very spammy.
The game is slow and that's fine but the game chugs very badly. I've heard people complain about the radical dreamers edition being locked to 30fps but the original ps1 version chugs to like 15fps or slower during combat regularly.
I will say it has some truly fantastic moments in it that kept me playing. Harle steals the game every second she's in it and Kid's story is super intriguing and interesting too.
Chrono Cross is a very unique game and despite it's numerous flaws I don't regret playing it and I think it shouldn't be compared (despite its ties to trigger) and criticized so harshly for not being chrono trigger 2