I think the game is pretty decent for the most part, I only played the campaign cause I don't really delve into the multiplayer side of things unless my mates wanna play it. I think the level design is repetitive for most the missions but I suppose in this setting, there was always gonna be a struggle in finding variety. The graphics are also solid for a game that came out 6 years ago, wouldn't of been surprised if this was a PS5 game these days. Also, absolutely love Josh Duhamel so that's always a plus.

Overall, it's a solid 7/10 with a short enough story to keep me engaged, main character is eh but is what it is. I will probably check out some of the other COD campaigns cause the 3 I have played, I have all enjoyed so.

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If there was a game definition of mid, this game would be it. The chemistry and characterisation of the four leads is this games strongest point, but outside of the opening cutscene, you don't see the 4 (or even 2) of them outside together again for the rest of the game so it just feels like a solo game. I think for atleast the final mission, there should have been some sort of cutscene with the 4 of them instead of this solo ending. The story was absolute meh aswell, could not care less about it. Probably didn't help that each mission kinda felt the same with just go to an area, beat some guys up and move on. The 2 scenes Batman in stole the show aswell, man just oozes charisma.

- Characterisation and chemistry of the 4 main characters
- Graphics
- Ending (kinda)

- Gameplay
- Story
- Lack of missions involving all 4 of the main characters
- mission and level design

An absolute experience. It took me about 3-4 hours to properly get into but once I did, I was playing like 3-4 hour sessions cause I didn't wanna give it up. The narrative, voice acting and the free will of the player just makes you not leave Revachol. I do wish I explored it more and did some more of the side quests, felt like I could've put in at least 15 more hours into this but regardless, It was a game like I have never played before and will probably revist for another playthrough in a few years.

Goodbye Raphael Ambrosius Costeau

- Narrative
- Voice Acting
- Free Will of Player
- Talking Tie
- 360 Spin Kicking People

- Slow Burner
- More of a visual novel then a game

This was my first ever time properly playing a turn based game and didn't have much expectations to be honest but it absolutely blew me away. I kinda turned it into a random deckbuilding game always randomizing which cards I was gonna pick at the forge and randomising which heroes I took on the missions just to put a bit more focus into strategy on my behalf. I think if the story was better, I could've put double the amount of hours in. Despite being a pretty big marvel fan, I just could not care for the story, especially in the second half of the game where I just began plowing through the main story missions. The last mission was wicked though. I think if you are a super marvel fan, you could lose hours and hours talking to the heroes around the Abbey but personally, just wasn't for me. That said, i'm still gonna give this game a 9/10 because of how much I enjoyed the gameplay and combat, will probably pick up some of the DLCs over the next few months.
Banger game

- Gameplay
- Combat
- Player Freedom
- Wide range of heroes with all unique playstyles

- Story
- Framerate drops
- Low resolution on some cutscenes

As a pretty big Avatar fan, it's about what i'd expect from Ubisoft. Just a fine 30 hour experience. I do plan on doing the PS platinum for this game quite soon cause it seems pretty easy and I wanna do all the outposts and stuff anyway. I think the story and characters are pretty underwhelming and Solek is about the only character I can remember but the music and visuals are pretty damn good so that kept me immersed for the most part. Depending on the DLC reviews, I can see myself coming back to finish them off aswell

- Music
- Visuals
- Immersion

- Story
- Characters