It sounds hyperbolic when I say it, but I don't think there's a single thing this game does that I didn't enjoy more in the PS1 trio of Armored Core games. The one thing it unquestionably does have over them though is that the game runs at a smooth 60fps which feels very nice coming from the low-framerate PS1 titles. Outside of that though the quality of this sequel is extremely dubious.

Gameplay feels more sluggish in general than in the first generation AC games. Even the faster core parts don't seem to have the responsiveness of the prior title. Any sense of arcade-like speed and action is dulled down. The one major movement mechanic added is the overboost, a high speed dash that drains your meter quickly. Outside of Arena matches though its uses are relatively few as it's an unwieldy maneuver and many stages take place in cramped quarters where its utility is limited.

While the jump from the PS1 to PS2 hardware is impressive and AC2 is probably one of the better looking launch titles I still can't help but prefer the art direction in the prior game. It's a shame since moving from Earth to Mars seemed like an opportunity for all sorts of beautiful colors, but this is rarely taken advantage of. AC1 had bold, strong color choices that helped to accentuate the game's atmosphere, whereas 2 has far more muted tones that turn many missions into a muddy soup of grey and brown colors. There's nothing here that wowed me like the Moon Arena stage from the previous generation of titles. It's an unremarkable-looking game.

Mission design is probably where Armored Core 2 suffers most compared to its predecessor. Many stages feel drawn out and involve fighting waves of weak enemies that filter into the map slowly. It feels as though there's less creativity and variety, with more defense missions taking place over smaller maps. There's nothing as interesting as venturing into an insect hive to destroy the queen, or the trek through a base full of corrosive acid to disable it. The stage bounds felt very restrictive and arbitrary as well, as I found myself accidentally moving out of bounds a number of times, something that was never a problem in the original three games.

The arena from AC1's expansions return and is probably the least compromised aspect of the game. I had the most fun with this. Some of the high-ranking arena ACs are absolute monsters and it feels great when you finally beat their cheating asses. This is probably the most fun I had with AC2.

The plot of this one follows AC1's blueprint nearly beat-for-beat. It's a conspiracy laden plot about a dystopian post-war future full of evil corporations, power hungry players, backstabbing and the like. The storytelling is still mostly done by mail and mission briefings, though with more funny 6th gen voice acting. It feels less subdued here though. AC1 didn't need to have characters say things like "you only exists because of corporations" to get that same point across.

I feel a bit bad for being so harsh on the game. I don't think it's an outright bad game, but it's also hard to justify playing when it's directly inferior to its predecessor and does so little new. It feels like a game you can easily skip playing and not miss much.

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2024
